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"Harvest Phase 5" at

FEM+FEST Feminist Art Festival 2019

Community Lens Stage, Spokane WA

A quirky commentary on the capitalization and commodification of the women's bodies in present-day society, "Harvest Phase 5" triangulated potatoes, feminism and the Wizard of Oz. This post-modern dancework combined humor, spoken work, athleticism and gesture to purposefully point to the unrealistic expectations women must meet to be considered palatable by the world they exist in. 

About FEM+FEST Art Festival:

"Empowering, Diverse, Intersectional"

The vision of Spokane NOW's FEM+FEST Spokane Feminist Art Festival is to present visual arts, spoken word, live music and other entertainment that highlights empowering and diverse representations of feminism in the Inland Northwest, and speaks to the importance of intersectionality as the new feminist paradigm.  

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